Personalised Learning

How to Create a Meaningful, Personalised Learning Plan – Inclusive Education Planning

This workshop outlines what an individual learning plan is, how to develop one and how this plan provides a guide for intervention.

The presenter will explore:

·         Collaboration

·         Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice

·         Differentiation and Adjustments

·         Roles and Responsibilities

Suitable for: Junior primary, primary teachers, secondary teachers & special educators.


Developing, Monitoring and Reporting on Individual Learning Plans – Inclusive Education Planning

This workshop provides strategies to develop, monitor and report on individual learning, transition and behaviour plans.

The presenter will explore:

·         Evidence based learning

·         Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice

·         Differentiation and Adjustments

·         Relationships with parents

·         Creating a meaningful, personalised learning plan

·         Writing SMARTAR goals

·         Assessment through practical data collection

·         Reinforcement: Proactive strategies to support children and students

Suitable for: Junior primary, primary teachers & special educators/ teachers.