Inclusive Culture and Practices

Students with Disability: Creating a Welcoming School for All – Inclusive Education Planning

This real time webinar will unpack understandings of disability and identify how students can feel a sense of belonging at school. Participants will be encouraged to think critically about dominant educational narratives about disability, how each of us learned about disability and where we locate ourselves in this construct. Each participant will be provided with a questionnaire derived from Darling's (2013) work on 'Disability and Identity: Negotiating Self in a Changing World' to complete privately prior to the workshop.

Suitable for: Teachers, SSOs and anyone interested in disability, identity and human rights.

Inclusion and physical education: incorporating inclusive practices for successful physical activity in schools – Learning 4 All

Presented by Natalie Montgomery, Sports Therapist, Inclusive Sport SA. This workshop is intended for all school staff working with students or involved in planning, program or policy development for student physical education. The workshop will provide information about understanding the effects that specific disabilities can have on learning and participation. You will: discover a framework for planning and implementing inclusive lessons; learn how to overcome barriers to participation; develop positive behaviour strategies and a framework to encourage successful lessons; be exposed to practical resources to use in lessons .

Suitable for: All staff in primary and secondary school including coordinators, PE teachers, classroom teachers and school assistants.